

Rachael Bernstein, Uriel Photography, noir noire, salt lake city

Rachael Bernstein

Lead Photographer

Born and raised in California but I can promise you I was meant to be in Utah; The nature, the big city with a small town vibe, the mounds of snow during the winter that I literally dance for joy anytime I see those cute little flakes! I visited December 2017 and knew one day I would make Utah my home. One year later I made that move official!

You can find me snacking on some veggies and Hummus, listening to some Gary Vee, or traveling somewhere awesome(or all three at the same times)! I can’t sit still for very long, always need to be on the go, which is probably why photography is my JAM!

I greet with hugs,I laugh a lot.. and cry a lot, I am a your personal hype-woman.. because LOVE ALWAYS WINS! I’m a big foodie but allergic to just about everything, so I survive off of sweet potatoes, gluten-free treats, and vegan tacos!

Colby Jones

Lead Videographer

Utah has always been by where I lived but it didn’t feel like home until Rachael Moved here. I can honestly say I searched high and low for this woman and I wasn’t willing to settle until I found her, and here we are.

Desk jobs always drove me crazy, I was dying to do something creative. My mom (and best friend) passed down her artsy genes and I never had an outlet for it until I found videography.

I would always filmed my friends while we were snowboarding or boating and it gave me so much joy to create these stories. I started filming for a couple of different small businesses and creating content for entrepreneurs. As soon as I met Rachael she introduced me to the wedding world and I loved it from the first wedding I shot.

Golf is my first love, I basically came out of the womb with golf clubs in hand. My favorite courses are pebble beach and TPC Sawgrass. I also love a good vegan taco but my heart will always lie with doughnies and pizza.  

 Colby and I meet on a dating app you may have heard of, called Tinder. It is honestly how a majority of couples find each other these days because who actually communicates in person when you can justs wipe right? AM I RIGHT? I had to go through a tragic day of being left on my wedding day and Colby went on over 300 dates (I’m probably exaggerating)  for us to end up together but in the end, it was OBVIOUSLY worth it!
We bonded over our love for social media, photo and video, and our work-a-holic-ness
We have been joined at the hip since day one when we aren’t traveling in separate countries. Our favorite thing to do is explore new places, eat yummy desserts and ride electric scooters through the city. You may find us in the middle of the local Harmon’s Grocery store dancing our asses off. We love to have a good time and make people feel important and loved! 
There aren’t just the two of us though. Colby and I can only be in one place at a time but we don’t like to disappoint so we expanded our team so that we can still serve you even if we are already booked for your date! We have 4 team members that we have trained, and trust with our lives. Rachael will still take care of the booking, communication, editing, and engagement session.

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